When we decided to travel with our friends as a group from St. Louis to Chicago, we thought taking the train would be fun. Previous to this trip, I’ve never been on a train that took me to my vacation destination. Are you curious about what it’s like? I was and I’ll share with you 11 details you need to know about traveling by Amtrak and I’ll share some advice, too.

1. Buy Your Tickets Early
Okay, this isn’t really a detail, but some sound advice. If you wait you are in danger of two things: increased ticket price and risk of seats selling out, resulting with you being really disappointed that you missed out. Having the Amtrak app on your smartphone is a great tool to have on the go.
2. Limited to no security checks!
Although you’ll want to arrive early for your departure, you don’t have to arrive as early as if you were flying. When you travel on Amtrak, you will likely encounter no or very limited security checks. It is reported that they may randomly check bags or have dogs there to sniff passengers for prohibited items. We just showed up and when they were ready for us to board, we got on the train car they instructed us to board. At a smaller train station such as St. Louis, you don’t have to allow for as much time prior to boarding. A larger station like Chicago, I suggest you arrive earlier. Check the prohibited items list on their website.

3. Seating is NOT Assigned
If you are traveling with others, be sure to get on the same train car together and select your seats. Seating is not assigned. When you get on the train, they may have your station board on a specific car. However, you can later change cars or seats at any time. You may end up with a seat companion if you don’t have one you know next to you. A conductor will come around and scan your ticket sometime after the train departs.

4. Explore the Train
Walk around and explore the train. It’s one of the perks of taking Amtrak, you can get up and stretch and walk around whenever your heart desires. Look at the bathrooms, café car and notice the differences between cars. Some cars are newer than others and the seats are made of varying materials. The newer cars have seats that seem to be more comfortable. The seats we sat in going to Chicago were made of material and older, but in decent shape. On our return trip, the car we had was newer and had gray pleather seats and we felt had a greater level of comfort. Each seat has a tray table.

5. Bring Food and Beverages
I suggest bringing your own food and beverages with you. They are allowed on the train and you’ll have exactly what you crave. There is no food or beverage service on a train in coach class, like there is when you fly. No one will come to you to ask you if you’d like a beverage and give you a tiny bag of peanuts. However, if you don’t bring your own, you can walk to the dining or cafe car and purchase food and beverages there. It’s a bit pricey, and the selection limited, but available. Hot food selections are just microwaved. There are tables available in the food car.
6. Coach Class Cars vs. Business Class Cars
If you purchase a coach ticket, the seats in the car are 4 across: two together, the aisle, and two together. The coach seats on the train were much roomier than the coach seats on an airplane. Business cars have two together, the aisle, and one alone. The business seats are a bit wider and the business car is near the front of the train. Depending on your route, there are sometimes even more options like an observation or sleeping cars. Visit their website to learn about all of your options before you purchase your ticket. At least this was our experience. Your experience may be different depending on the cars used.

7. Travel with Your Small Pet
Amtrak allows you to travel with your small (under 20 pounds) cat or dog. As of this writing, the fee is $26. For the specifics and latest on their pet policy, visit the Amtrak website.
8. Luggage Options: Carry On vs. Checked
I was surprised at the size and amount you are allowed to carry on with you. You are allowed two personal items and 2 carry on bags. There are weight and size limits, but no one really seems to keep an eye on it. However, you’ll want to be sure to have the weight of your bag be manageable so that you can lift it above your seat to stow it. Bag check is available for your luggage. You can even check large items like your bicycle. Be sure to keep your claim check! Check their website for the latest information on luggage options.

9. Temporary Bag Storage
Our train wasn’t leaving Chicago until after 5 PM, but we had to check out of our Airbnb by 11 AM. Thankfully, Amtrak allows you to check your bags for a $10 fee per bag. for up to 24 hours. We checked our bags and left the station to have our last hurrah in Chicago before having to be back at the station to head home. Be sure to keep your claim check!

10. Time Considerations
The train makes many stops along your route, picking up and dropping off people in cities along the way. Generally, the stops don’t take long. The train also may stop to wait for other rail traffic. This happened when we were leaving Chicago. You may also be delayed if your train is late. These are considerations when you give thought to take the train or fly or drive. Each mode of travel has its own type of delays.

11. WiFi and Electric Outlets
The train has WiFi and electric outlets. So, you can always be connected and charged. The WiFi isn’t that fast, but it’s available. And as a bonus, you can still access your data plans because you are still on the ground, unlike flying when you lose the signal. There is an electric outlet available for each seat.

Free Time
What I enjoyed most about the train experience was all the free time it provided me. After you are on the train, you have nothing but time to relax and do things you desire. Surprisingly, no one was talking on their phone and it was pretty quiet. I brought my iPad and headphones and watched shows on Netflix. Use this time to enjoy the scenery, read, socialize with your family/friends, work on your computer, watch a show on your tablet device, sleep, etc. Bring a travel pillow or light blanket if you want to get really comfortable! My friends and I passed the time by chatting as a group via Facebook Messenger and playing with Snapchat filters when we weren’t talking with each other face to face or doing our own thing.

Have you ever taken a train for your vacation travels? Tell us where you went and your thoughts about it in the comments below. Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss a post!
For further information, visit the Amtrak Website and get the Amtrak App for your smartphone.